Source Code Name Case count Share of cases (%)
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(R891) Abnormal findings in nipple discharge synovial fluid wound secretions - Abnormal level of hormones 77
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(R890) Abnormal findings in nipple discharge synovial fluid wound secretions - Abnormal level of enzymes 70
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(R899) Abnormal findings in nipple discharge synovial fluid wound secretions - Unspecified abnormal finding 58
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(R898) Abnormal findings in nipple discharge synovial fluid wound secretions - Other abnormal findings 56
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(R89) Abnormal findings in nipple discharge synovial fluid wound secretions. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 29
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(R890) Abnormal findings in nipple discharge synovial fluid wound secretions - Abnormal level of enzymes 16
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(R899) Abnormal findings in nipple discharge synovial fluid wound secretions - Unspecified abnormal finding 11
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(R891) Abnormal findings in nipple discharge synovial fluid wound secretions - Abnormal level of hormones. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 11
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(R890) Abnormal findings in nipple discharge synovial fluid wound secretions - Abnormal level of enzymes. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 9
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(R899) Abnormal findings in nipple discharge synovial fluid wound secretions - Unspecified abnormal finding. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 9
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(R897) Abnormal findings in nipple discharge synovial fluid wound secretions - Abnormal histological findings 7
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(R891) Abnormal findings in nipple discharge synovial fluid wound secretions - Abnormal level of hormones 5
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(R898) Abnormal findings in nipple discharge synovial fluid wound secretions - Other abnormal findings 5
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(R896) Abnormal findings in nipple discharge synovial fluid wound secretions - Abnormal cytological findings 5